
BSN’s innovative approach to event management allows us to help our clients scale their events and build thriving communities. Our team was approached by a leading blockchain meetup group with the goal of increasing attendance and community engagement at their events.
To accomplish this, we first developed a comprehensive event planning strategy, keeping in mind the unique needs of the meetup group. We leveraged our expertise in event management to create events that were not only engaging but also scalable, allowing the group to accommodate a growing number of attendees.
Our team also ensured that the events were tailored to the needs and interests of the community, creating opportunities for meaningful networking and knowledge-sharing.
The results were impressive. The meetup group saw a 40% increase in event attendance, with attendees reporting a higher level of engagement and satisfaction with the events. The group’s online presence also saw a significant boost, with a 50% increase in social media engagement.
The success story of the blockchain meetup group is a testament to BSN’s commitment to delivering innovative, scalable solutions that help our clients achieve their goals. We are proud to have played a part in their journey towards building a thriving community.

Key points

User Testimonial

Jessica Simon
BSN has been a game-changer for our blockchain community. Their expert community building, social networking, and event management services have enabled us to connect with like-minded individuals around the world. We appreciate their customer-centric approach and attention to detail, making them an indispensable partner for our network.